Call Us: 709-256-4500


Do I have to pay to speak to a lawyer?

If you have been injured in an accident or have a potential medical malpractice case, there is no charge to meet with one of our lawyers and have your claim examined.

If you are looking for legal work to be completed such as a will, a real estate transaction (sale, purchase or re-mortgage) or a number of other standard services we provide, our assistants can tell you up front what it will cost for us to provide you with that service or document.

For every other legal issue, we charge a nominal office consultation fee for you to meet with a lawyer and have your rights and obligations explained.

What will it cost for my case from start to finish?

If your case involves personal injury or medical malpractice, we are prepared to handle the case on the basis of a contingency agreement, meaning there are no legal fees unless we settle or win your case (and you get to approve any settlement).

If your legal situation involves another area of law, we are generally able to accept payments in installments or through other arrangements discussed with one of our lawyers at the first meeting.

My boyfriend and I have been living together in my boyfriend’s house for 5 years. Are we equally entitled to the home as common law spouses?

Not necessarily. If you are not married, whoever purchased the home is the legal owner. While you may have a claim for compensation for the work that you put into the home, your boyfriend is still the legal owner of the home. If you have any questions about your entitlement as a common-law spouse it is in your interest to speak to a lawyer.

What is the difference between a divorce and separation?

A divorce is a judgment of the Supreme Court that ends a marriage. A separation occurs when 2 spouses (married or not) decide to live separate and apart. If you are going through a family breakdown do not hesitate to contact us to discuss your rights, obligations and options.

What is the benefit of getting a will?

A will is a legal document that you create while you are alive to ensure the orderly distribution of your assets upon your death. You will appoint someone to take control of your affairs and distribute assets to your beneficiaries. If you do not have a will on your passing, you will lose your right to choose how your assets are to be distributed and who will be managing your affairs. The distribution of your estate and the appointment of a personal representative will be governed by legislation. Give us a call and we will be glad to help you express your wishes.

I found a fill-in-the-blank will online. Do I really need to see a lawyer to draft a will?

It is strongly recommended that you retain a lawyer to draft a will for the following reasons:

In short, we always say that “an ounce of prevention is a pound of cure” and doing things properly at the beginning can be the best prevention of legal issues down the road.

My mother and I have a joint-bank account so I can do my mother’s banking as she is unable to do so. Do I need to get a Power of Attorney?

Yes. A Power of Attorney will enable you to deal with your mother’s financial affairs when she is still alive. It will allow you to step into her shoes and do what she could otherwise do. This is not limited to managing her bank account, but also dealings with CRA, any real property she may own, and any other financial concerns that may arise. We recommend that seniors obtain legal advice so that their caregivers have the appropriate documentation to care for them as they age.

Central Law | Mailing Address: P.O. Box 327, Gander, NL, A1V1W7

Courier Address(Office Location): 105 Roe Ave., Gander, NL, A1V0H6

Email: | Tel: 709-256-4500 | Fax: 709-256-4550

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